Rust tutorial

First, make a new project and add autd3 and autd3-link-soem libraries as dependencies.

cargo new --bin autd3-sample
cd autd3-sample
cargo add autd3@29.0.0-rc.16
cargo add autd3-link-soem@29.0.0-rc.16
cargo add tokio --features full

Next, edit src/ file as follows. This is the source code for generating a focus with AM modulation.

use autd3::prelude::*;
use autd3_link_soem::{Status, SOEM};

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    // Make a controller to control AUTD

    // Configure the devices
    // The argument of AUTD3::new is position
    // Here, the device is placed at the origin
    let mut autd = Controller::builder([AUTD3::new(Point3::origin())])
        // Open controller with SOEM link
        // The callback specified by with_err_handler is called when error occurs
        .open(SOEM::builder().with_err_handler(|slave, status| {
            eprintln!("slave [{}]: {}", slave, status);
            if status == Status::Lost {
                // You can also wait for the link to recover, without exitting the process

    // Check firmware version
    // This code assumes that the version is v10.0.1
    autd.firmware_version()?.iter().for_each(|firm_info| {
        println!("{}", firm_info);

    // Enable silencer
    // Note that this is enabled by default, so it is not actually necessary
    // To disable, send Silencer::disable()

    // A focus at 150mm directly above the center of the device
    let center = + Vector3::new(0., 0., 150.0 * mm);
    let g = Focus::new(center);

    // 150Hz sine wave modulation
    let m = Sine::new(150 * Hz);

    // Send data
    autd.send((m, g))?;

    println!("press enter to quit...");
    let mut _s = String::new();
    std::io::stdin().read_line(&mut _s)?;

    // Close controller


Then, run the program.

cargo run --release

For Linux, macOS users

You may need to run with administrator privileges when using SOEM on Linux or macOS.

cargo build --release && sudo ./target/release/autd3_sample