GainSTM can handle arbitrary Gains, unlike FociSTM. However, the number of Gains that can be used is 1024.

The following is an example of how to use GainSTM. This is a sample that rotates the focus on a circle with a radius of centered on a point directly above the center of the array.

use autd3::prelude::*;
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let autd = Controller::builder([AUTD3::new(Point3::origin())]).open(autd3::link::Nop::builder())?;
let center = + Vector3::new(0., 0., 150.0 * mm);
let point_num = 200;
let radius = 30.0 * mm;
let stm = GainSTM::new(
    1.0 * Hz,
    (0..point_num).map(|i| {
        let theta = 2.0 * PI * i as f32 / point_num as f32;
        let p = radius * Vector3::new(theta.cos(), theta.sin(), 0.0);
        Focus::new(center + p)
#include <ranges>
using namespace std::ranges::views;
int main() {
auto autd =
const autd3::Point3 center = + autd3::Vector3(0, 0, 150);
const auto points_num = 200;
const auto radius = 30.0f;
autd3::GainSTM stm(1.0f * autd3::Hz,
                   iota(0) | take(points_num) | transform([&](auto i) {
                     const auto theta = 2.0f * autd3::pi *
                                        static_cast<float>(i) /
                     return autd3::gain::Focus(
                         center + radius * autd3::Vector3(std::cos(theta),
                                                          std::sin(theta), 0));
return 0; }

using AUTD3Sharp;
using AUTD3Sharp.Utils;
using AUTD3Sharp.Gain;
using AUTD3Sharp.Link;
using static AUTD3Sharp.Units;
using var autd = Controller.Builder([new AUTD3(Point3.Origin)]).Open(Nop.Builder());
var center = autd.Center + new Vector3(0, 0, 150);
const int pointNum = 200;
const float radius = 30.0f;
var stm = new GainSTM(1.0f * Hz, Enumerable.Range(0, pointNum).Select(i =>
    var theta = 2.0f * MathF.PI * i / pointNum;
    return new Focus(center + radius * new Vector3(MathF.Cos(theta), MathF.Sin(theta), 0));
import numpy as np
from pyautd3 import AUTD3, Controller, Focus, GainSTM, Hz
from import Audit

autd = Controller.builder([AUTD3([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])]).open(Audit.builder())
center = + np.array([0.0, 0.0, 150.0])
point_num = 200
radius = 30.0
stm = GainSTM(
    1.0 * Hz,
        Focus(center + radius * np.array([np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta), 0]))
        for theta in (2.0 * np.pi * i / point_num for i in range(point_num))

Specify the sampling configuration

You can also specify the sampling frequency instead of frequency.

use autd3::prelude::*;
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let stm = GainSTM::new(SamplingConfig::new(1 * Hz)?, [Null::new(), Null::new()]);
int main() {
autd3::GainSTM stm(autd3::SamplingConfig(1 * autd3::Hz),
                   {autd3::gain::Null(), autd3::gain::Null()});
return 0; }
using AUTD3Sharp;
using AUTD3Sharp.Utils;
using AUTD3Sharp.Link;
using AUTD3Sharp.Gain;
using static AUTD3Sharp.Units;
using var autd = Controller.Builder([new AUTD3(Point3.Origin)]).Open(Nop.Builder());
var stm = new GainSTM((SamplingConfig)(1u * Hz), [new Null(), new Null()]);
from pyautd3 import Hz, GainSTM, Null, SamplingConfig
stm = GainSTM(SamplingConfig(1 * Hz), [Null(), Null()])


GainSTM sends all phase/amplitude data, so it has a large latency1. To solve this problem, GainSTM has PhaseFull mode that sends only phase and reduces the transmission time by half2.

This mode can be switched with with_mode.

use autd3::prelude::*;
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let stm = GainSTM::new(1.0 * Hz, [Null::new(), Null::new()])?
int main() {
auto stm =
    autd3::GainSTM(1.0f * autd3::Hz, {autd3::gain::Null(), autd3::gain::Null()})
return 0; }
using AUTD3Sharp;
using AUTD3Sharp.Utils;
using AUTD3Sharp.Link;
using AUTD3Sharp.Gain;
using static AUTD3Sharp.Units;
using var autd = Controller.Builder([new AUTD3(Point3.Origin)]).Open(Nop.Builder());
var stm = new GainSTM(1.0f * Hz, [new Null(), new Null()]).WithMode(GainSTMMode.PhaseFull);
from pyautd3 import Hz, GainSTM, GainSTMMode, Null
stm = GainSTM(1.0 * Hz, [Null(), Null()]).with_mode(GainSTMMode.PhaseFull)

The default is PhaseIntensityFull mode, which sends all information.


About 75 times of FociSTM<1>


Legacy mode only